
Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Countdown to the Read-along: #6: What is your favorite "friend" moment?

 As I prepare to launch the Pre-The Running Grave Strike and Ellacott Read-along with the first post on Monday, I thought it would be fun to countdown by sharing favorite series moments so far.  The first category is Best Friend Moment. This needs to be one of your favorite scenes featuring one of Strike's or Robim's good buddies:  anyone from Shanker to Polworth to Ilsa to Vanessa.  Which moment makes you cheer or tugs at your heartstrings?

I'll have a different category every day for the next six days. Just so people can be thinking ahead, here's a sneak peak at the next 5 topics

5. Best Family Moment: The scene needs to involve one of Strike or Robin's blood relatives. 

4. Best Co-worker Moment:  Your favorite agency employee or sub-contractor, excluding the two partners. 

3. Best Robin Moment:  When does the Titian-haired Temp get to shine?

2. Best Strike Moment: What moment most defines the Doom Bar Detective?

and finally.....  drum roll please......  1. The Best Strike and Robin Moment.

Yes, I will post my choices, but I want to see a few other choices first.


  1. Favorite friend moment has to go to Robin and Ilsa at Bob Bob Ricard. Chapter 28 of IBH!

  2. I would have to say Polworth's birthday drink. Is he a guy I would want to spend time with? Nope. But he tries to get Strike to open up about Robin, he helps Strike's family all the time, and he really knows when to end a conversation. It also helps that he gave Strike something to think about.

  3. Strike showing up to help Robin move.

  4. “You’re all right, babes. 'E ain’t gonna do that no more." For me, it is Shanker busting in through Alyssa's door and his response to Angel.

    1. Though, if I can cheat a little and add a moment from the TV show, it would be Shanker driving Strike to the wedding and asking him, "You going to go full-on Graduate? Elaine! Elaine!" I thought that was hysterical.

    2. Shanker and Strike by Leda's grave on the telly is great, too.

  5. I second Bob Bob Ricard! I was feeling so low at that point in IBH and that Ilsa chapter saved me - I think I reread it three times!

  6. I love any moment that Polworth refuses to be praised for being a good friend.

    1. In my reread pre IBH I realized how many moments he was there for, including the typewriter! He’s a solid buddy.

  7. The verge scene in LW: it particularly fulfilled my hopes for them to communicate in that book. I love how Strike immediately understood what Robin was going through, and was there for her.

  8. So many to pick from! But I love it when Robin and Max commiserate the day after the dinner party fiasco. I had such hopes for that friendship!

    1. I agree. I thought they'd a least have one more good heart-to-heart after she stood by him during Wolfgang's demise. I actually thought the TV show did a better job of showing that relationship at the beginning, when Robin's watching the documentary about Margot.

  9. I will say the moment where Robin trades room keys with Strike and says, "I know you've got that Cornwall thing going on."

  10. Do siblings count? I quite enjoyed Matt getting punched at the wedding.

    Vanessa's jewellery tips.

    Polworth's Cornish rescue.

    Polworth's scuba-diving for clues.

    Shanker being willing to drive to Yorkshire for Robin.

    Nick and Ilsa always being willing to let Strike run his business from their home.

  11. Oh sorry, that long list was me. 😂

  12. Can't decide, it's either the verge, Polworth being a price among men during the Ink black heart, or Shanker driving his Bunsen to Yorkshire to either celebrate Robin's wedding or to stop it.


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