
Monday, May 1, 2023

Blog Post on the Strike and Ellacott Files Podcast: Jumping Stumps, Memory Lapses and Bomb Trauma: Implications for The Running Grave.

I was privileged this week to be able to contribute to the Strikemyinspirationforeva, the blog associated with the outstanding Strike and Ellacott files podcast. In this essay, I draw on my background as a psychology professor and neuroscientist to talk about what caused Strike's jumpy stump and why his near-perfect memory seemed to falter in the last book.  There have already been some great comments on the post and I hope to see more. So, hop over and let me know what you think.  

Speaking of the podcast: the hosts have just announced an adjusted schedule that will allow them to finish up their chapter-by-chapter review of The Ink Black Heart and allow time for a predictions episode before the publication of The Running Grave. I never miss an episode and neither should any other Strike fans!  


  1. I’m amazed that a man who recognized Mucky Ricci from an old photo having seen him once years ago could not immediately recognize Charlotte’s favorite brother (Valentine) with whom he had spent at least one entire afternoon watching a steeplechase.

  2. Great find! We’ll call that memory lapse #12


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