Hey, Everyone! Today we are deep diving into chapters 8-18 of Troubled Blood. We are in part 2 and today’s epigraph is, “Then came Autumne all in yellow clad”(68). A quick note about the epigraph before we get into it. Troubled Blood takes us through an entire year, we start and end the book in the Summer months. Autumn is often thought of as the harvest season, everything either starts the process of hibernating or leaves are dying off. With that we have the pairing of being yellow clad. Yellow, unless attached to bellies, is generally seen as a positive color and as both of our heroes were born in Autumn (a connection to the opening epigraph of Cuckoo’ Calling perhaps?) It seems as though this section will have both death and light everything we expect from the Strike novels. So let’s get into it, shall we?
Chapter 8
Strike and Robin start this chapter on a sad and yet satisfying note, The Mrs. Tuftys are told of their husband’s bigamy and band together to have justice served, but also inform the press that the currently called Strike Detective Agency solved the case. I must say it does bother me that Robin solved the case but is not mentioned in the papers even if Robin herself does not want to be mentioned. Almost a full month goes by before DI George Layborn contacts Strike with news of the Bamborough file. He reveals that DI Talbot was on the case for six months before his wife called the hospital as he had a “Proper mental breakdown”. He also tells Strike that Ken Lawson took over but unfortunately shortly after she disappeared Lord Luncan disappeared. Here, Rowling again, shows us the meticulous research she has done as this was a real crime that happened. Richard Bingham the 7th Earl of Luncan disappeared on Nov. 8th, 1974 after his nanny was butchered. Layborn discusses with Strike the various reasons why Creed was a suspect (there was a white van) and the little ways that Talbot did not follow through on investigative work (he was too busy asking the former boyfriend where he was when one of Creed’s victims was taken).
Strike goes home and after eating some dinner starts to read The Demon of Paradise Park, a biography on Creed. To try to sum it up quickly Creed started torturing women in 61 and continued through until 1976. He was born in a horrifically abusive and bordering incestual house. ( can it be considered incest if it is a step-father? Either way, it is still horrific)His teenage mother was able to escape but couldn’t take Dennis with her. The last thing of note is that his mother wished she had let her father kill him when he was minutes old. Strike’s reading is interrupted by a phone call from a drunk Charlotte who wants to talk to him as it is her twin’s first birthday and she is miserable. After a few minutes Strike hangs up.
Chapter 9
It is the ninth chapter and the ninth of October and I desperately wish I could give Robin the birthday she deserves but she wakes up miserable. After all, it is the last year of her 20’s and as Katie, her cousin (who I am liking less and less) points out Robin is moving in a different direction. Robin begins the day contemplating the fact that she is lonely and as soon as she wonders if she will have a succession of lovers like Strike, she wonders if he called Charlotte.
We get a description of her rented room, and her roommates Max and Wolfgang the elderly dachshund. It is interesting to note that while I adore the actor they got to play Max, I have a note that his physical description sounds like Brad Pitt to me. The only problem with Max is he seems to be suffering from some sort of depression which makes Robin’s living space not as good as it can be. She opens the gifts her family sent and dresses all in black, a move I have often done myself. She reads some of her own copy of Demon of Paradise Park as she rides the tube. Then She gets a text from Strike, asking if she can join him in interviewing Dr. Dinesh Gupta, a colleague of Margots. Unfortunately, she has to meet with the Weatherman about Postcard. Strike sends back “Right you are” and it is with those words and no wish of a happy birthday that Robin’s mood continues to sour as this is the second year in a row that Strike has forgotten. The man with amazing recall is so in denial about his feelings that he has forgotten her birthday twice. It makes me want to scream and possibly smack him upside the head, but I will leave that to the very capable hands of Ilsa.