
Saturday, May 13, 2023

This Week's Double-Dip from the Strike and Ellacott Files

The latest episode of The Strike and Ellacott Files Podcast was posted on Thursday. They are getting longer and denser as the hosts push to finish their chapter-by-chapter review of The Ink Black Heart before The Running Grave debuts.  I recommend a listen; it's a fair-minded review of Kea Niven and her "invisible" illness and raises interesting questions on the significance of birds in the series. 

As for their poking fun at this blog's title, let me just say that anyone who calls theirs Strikemyspirationforeva should not throw stones. :) 

There's a great second feature provided on their blog. Intermet sleuthing by Nick Jeffery on trademarks filed by Rowling-affiliated companies made a correct early guess of the Strike 6 title. A closer examination of the specifics of the tradmarks yielded some interesting clues.  For example, perfumes were included for the first time for the Troubled Blood listing. The Running Grave, for the first time, includes diving equipment. This has, of course, led to speculation that our heroes may be seeking something tossed off the Cromer Pier and that oldest (not best!) mate Dave Polworth may once more be donning his flippers.

Read the full post here. 

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