
Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Running Grave Virtual Launch Party

Every time I think about the new Cormoran Strike book coming out, I think back to the midnight release parties for Harry Potter and what fun they were to attend with my kids. It's a shame the local Barnes and Nobles won't throw those for adults.  With the Strike books, there would be no shortage of yummy food: fish and chips, takeaway curry, Singapore noodles, Max's beef casserole, Cynthia Phipps' walnut and coffee cake, tinned chocolate biscuits, Pat's fruitcake, Fat Rascal scones and, of course, a big box of chocolates, as long as Janice Beattie is locked up. 

And for beverages: Doom Bar, creosote-colored tea, coffee, and whiskey on the rocks. Plus some strategically placed buttons in the bookstore that you could press for champagne. 

But what about activities?  I suppose we could set up an all-night tournament of Clue.  Maybe some perfume sampling or Thai massages?  Donkey rides?  With enough Bedazzler kits and some black sweatshirts, we could probably design our own Guy Some apparel. Or possibly bring in some tarot card readers and people to tell fortunes with I Ching yarrow sticks. 

Any other ideas for a hypothetical Strike launch party?


  1. I would love a midnight release party for these! We could do one of those murder mystery games where everyone plays a character …although too much Doom Bar and it’s all over.

  2. Even an strike themed escape room or monopoly board would be fun!

  3. I participated in so many HP release parties, with appropriate food and I can’t believe I never thought of this. Probably because I don’t have friends IRL who would be that excited about Strike. I think I will start reading TRG with a tumbler of whiskey…

  4. Oh my goddness, can we please do this?! I never went to HP release party because if where I lived and would looove the experience!

  5. Dr. Freeman,

    Just dropping in to say congratulations. I just learned you’d started the place up and running from a chance remark on HogPro. Nice to see others taking a chance on the blogosphere.
    Hope this marks the start of a lot of good discussions out there.

    Incidentally, in terms of any possible Galbraith/Strike release party, I guess my own thoughts about what would make for a good launch celebration says a lot about how I view such venues. I’ve always been more of a cloistered English Major than a party-goer, so the best suggestion I could offer would be if you could get a group of mystery authors together to hold a bit of an informal Q and A session on what they think about the books, and the genre they’re set in in general. Offhand, the people I could think of who might take an interest in this sort of thing would be scribblers like Mary Higgins Clark, Donald Westlake, or Dean Koontz.

    An ideal set of special guests would be two that I know are semi-impossible to agree to such a shindig. One is noir legend John D. McDonald. He was an icon in the Thriller venue back in the day. Sadly, he’s been passed on for some time now, so there’s not chance of ever getting his insights into a series like this. Another is less impossible, yet still improbable. I wonder what a panel of members from the Baker Street Irregular Society could contribute to a discussion of Rowling’s detective series. Sad to say, that’s all I’ve got in terms of any party in honor of a book. Still, this site looks awesome. Hope to here more on here soon.


  6. Maybe a wild prediction contest and a prize for the most out there, and two weeks later (or two days depending on your reading speed and willingness to be fired from your day job) a prize for the most accurate. Prizes could be something sweet (a philodendron plant?) for closest and something silly (a drawing of Pez’s Penis?) for the most far out.

    1. I have a wild prediction in my "Pru's Book recommendation, part 1. Spoilers for Chapt. 1-11


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