
Thursday, April 27, 2023

News from Robert Galbraith: Strike Strike Series Confirmed at Ten Books; Illustrated 10th Anniversary Cuckoo's Calling to be Published Soon.

 From a news blurb published yesterday on

In addition to confirming the September 26th date, the most important pieces of information for Super Strikers are:

  • The Strike series is currently planned for 10 books
  • There will be an illustrated 10th anniversary edition of The Cuckoo's Calling published later this year. 
  • This new edition is part of a year-long celebration that will include a "creative consumer campaign" that will allow readers to share their favorite Strike moments. 

I am especially excited about the new CC, since that is currently the only book I don't own in hardback---  I only bought the audiobook for that one.  I am interested in seeing what the Green Dress looks like.  

Those of us who subscribe to the Parallel Series Theory (the Strike books are written in parallel with Harry Potter, with common themes connecting them) will have a challenge to make 7 = 10, but I think we will manage.  Those of you who know my Hogwartsprofessor work know that the pattern, after a near-perfect correspondence of Lethal White with Goblet of Fire, breaks down in Troubled Blood, which shows connections to Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows.  I think the parallels will be there, but in a story that RG is taking longer to tell. 

As for the "creative campaign?"  If I get any hints on how to be a part of it, I'll share them here.  For me, the favorite moment I would share is the breakdown on the verge, with the breaking of Morris's nose a close second. I like the breakdown on the verge moment (and I include the follow-up conversation at the racetrack as part of it) because I love how sweet and understanding Strike, and, when he buys her champagne to celebrate her freedom from the Flobberworm, we know she's really free from him. When she left Matthew before, in CoE, Strike suspected it would not be permanent. Plus, I love the "maybe you should put that in your next employee satisfaction review.." banter.

For the nose-breaking, I love that Strike doesn't ask questions.  She wants Morris gone, so he's gone. All he has to do is take one step towards him and the coward is scrambling to escape. And, Strike doesn't try to offer any comfort "you know that isn't true.." to Robin, which would only have embarrassed her. He instead makes the "First one to break Barclay's nose wins the night," joke, which was the best thing he could have said. Finally, I think the suggestion re Barclay is a glimpse into his sub-conscious mind telling us he really wished Sam hadn't interrupted. 

Other ideas? 


  1. This is all good news! I do hope however we get some proper interaction during this 'campaign' rather than just talking into the RG void as has happened before.

  2. I love that interpretation of Strike’s frustration with Barkley!

  3. They could make something wonderful for the consumer campaign with the misfiring honeymoon calls.


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