
Sunday, January 19, 2025

New Year, New Blog, New Ornaments and New Strike Book Date

 Happy New Year, or, should I say, Happy MLK Day, which is coming up tomorrow.  This is just a quick catch-up note to report a few pieces of news, and share some plans for future blogging.

First, I am happy to report that another essay collection to which I have contributed, The Phoenix or the Flame, will be published on February 24th.  The latest about the volume can be found here.  On related note, the presentation on my chapter that I gave at the Harry Potter Academic Conference has just been released on Youtube.  

Thirty-five other talks from the conference are available on the YouTube channel here

In Cormoran Strike News, we have a publication date for The Hallmarked Man:  September 9 2025.  I am still debating what to do in the build up to the release. I don't have the time or energy to do a complete series re-read, but I am considering posts about the books I think are most likely to make thematic coonnections to THM:  Namely, the even-numbered texts (The Silkworm, Lethal White and The Ink Black Heart) along with the 5th book, Troubled Blood.  I'll do some calendar work and make a decision. 

Second, I am happy to report that Santa answered my request for two new Strike themed ornaments, bringing my grand total to six. I got a beautiful glass Land Rover, and a wooden disc with a White Horse of Uffington, painted, alas, not carved by Billy Knight. Still, I am happy to finally have a representative from my favorite book of the series

Finally, I am happy to announce the creation of a new blog, The Farting Sofa Faculty Archive. I created this as a repository for all of my old posts from  I am in the process of copying them over, a task which, with ten years; worth of posts on Potter, Strike, The Hunger Games, Divergent and other works, will take a while. Once that is complete, I will ask the owners of the Hogpro site to remove my posts. Please be patient if certain links go inactive; I will get things fixed eventually. 

2025 promises to be a good year, with, in addition to Strike Book 8, we will get the BBC's The Ink Black Heart series coming to US television and a new Hunger Games prequel telling the full story of Haymitch's victory in the Quarter Quell.  I look forward to enjoying and discussing all of these works with other enthusiasts!

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