
Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Strike Character Costume Packets: Fans Unite in Laughter on Twitter

 Note:  as of today, I will stop including indicating spoilers for The Running Grave in blue text. This is a largely light post, but the costume descriptions could contain mild spoilers. 

While the general purpose of The Farting Sofa Faculty Lounge is to take a serious look at Cormoran Strike, Harry Potter and other popular fiction. it is occasionally nice to pause and have some fun.  Twitter, while it may be a free range for toxicity for the Anomies of the world, it is also a place fans can connect, communicate and enjoy a laugh over their favorite obsessions.  One example is the collection of Strike character twitter posts. that appeared in the run-up to The Ink Black Heart. 

Last night, there was a Twitter challenge to recreate the popular Adult Halloween Costume Meme for Strike characters.  I had never tried that, or any other meme before but I could not resist trying once I learned how. 

My first attempt was the wonderful Pat Chauncey:

Next, I tried Mazu Wace:
And finally, the despicable Hugh Jacks.

There are some other great ones on Twitter.  My personal favorite is Bijou Watkins.  You can also view Ryan Murphy, Roy Carver, and of course, Strike himself. 

If anyone wants to try their own, the generator is here

Happy costuming!


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