
Friday, November 3, 2023

Podcast News for Strike and Potter Fans

This week, listeners of The Strike and Ellacott Files podcast got a pleasant surprise: the hosts plan to release episodes on a weekly rather than biweekly basis. This week's episode, on Chapters 5-7 of The Running Grave, covered all sorts of topics, from the theme of parenting in the series, to the Orwellian allusions to, as always, lots of Strellacott shipping. While I've never minded long podcasts, the shorter. weekly versions will be much more convenient for many.  As one of my Twitter pals put it, "It's like having wine night with three really close friends that get me." Tune in for some great discussion. 

I also listened to the first few episodes of Harry Potter After 2020, a new podcast from two moms who are re-reading the Harry Potter series, chapter by chapter, and sharing their thoughts on how their view of the series has changed over time, both as a result of their own growth processes and also because of news evens such as the election of Donald Trump, COVID, Black Lives Matter, January 6th, and JKR's public position on transgender issues. Having enjoyed co-host Lorrie Kim's annual presentations at the Harry Potter Academic conference since 2014, I expected to enjoy the podcast, and I did. With new episodes every Wednesday and seven increasingly long books to cover, I expect to be listening for some time. 

I also recommend Lorrie's book, Snape: The Definitive Analysis of Hogwart's Mysterious Potion Master, which was updated in 2022. 

Note:  this post is also available on Substack,


  1. Thanks for recommending a new Potter podcast! I, too, am delighted by the new schedule of SAEF. Louise, are there any recordings of talks you’d particularly recommend from Chestnut Hill?

    1. I don't think any of this year's talks are publicly available, though I posted the link to my own. There is a long list of ones from previous years available on the website.
      I haven't written my annual summary of the meeting but I hope to, soon.


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