Looking at the start of
The Ink Black Heart leads very naturally to the question of how
The Hallmarked Man will begin, given the
leapfrog pattern that is seen in this series. I was struck again by the multiple links with the start of
Lethal White. These are the only two books in the series that come off of cliffhanger endings, and pick up almost immediately where the previous books left off. Both open with Strike and Robin at a social event in a swanky venue, specifically celebrating Robin and atypically away from their usual work setting. In both cases, Strike is trying to make up for something he regrets; in
LW, he is apologizing for sacking her and trying to get her back; in
IBH, he is trying to make up for his thoughtlessness in previous Christmas and birthday gifts.
TRG ended, of course, with Strike's grenade-style admission of love for Robin, just moments before she is to embark on a weekend getaway with Ryan Murphy. In a way, this is a "make-up" situation as well; Strike regrets not "opening his f*cking eyes" earlier, before Robin began the relationship with Murphy. She departs, and Strike heads off for the Flying Horse. The question is, will The Hallmarked Man follow the same pattern, and pick up immediately?
If so, many have predicted that Robin will ditch Ryan and track Strike to the Flying Horse (whose sign bears a winged white horse) for a clarification of the grenade he has just dropped, and that they will at last be forced to openly acknowledge their feelings for each other. The
SE Files podcast based this speculation in part, on the epigraph for chapter 89 of
A white horse comes as if on wings.
He is not a robber, he will woo at the right time.
The appearance of a white horse not only links us to LW, but also to The Maid of the Silver Sea, the source for at least two epigraphs. As in LW and its epigraph source, Rosmersholm, the equine of MoSS is an agent of death, but solving its mystery ultimately allows the two protagonists of MoSS to move forward with their romance. For more on MoSS, see this wonderful essay by Bea Groves, and my own summary of the novel.
And, of course, bonus points if our heroes spy a silver-haired man in the pub.
So, will we see the Robin who abandoned the Flobberworm on the dance floor and ran after Strike to confirm his intentions, or the one who goes along with what is expected, unwilling to rock the boat? Or, as in LW, will we see both? Even if Strike and Robin do have it out at the start of THM, I don't think their issues will be resolved then. I think there will still be some drama and misunderstanding in their relationship for a book or two before they are finally united. Recall, Robin made the wrong decision at the wedding, and decided she had to give the Flobber-marriage a shot. And, Strike and Robin's relationship was screwed up for a while after the missed kiss at the Ritz. So, I am not expecting an early resolution.